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Saturday, March 03, 2012

Ron Paul: "Honest Rape"

Nomally I don't watch Piers Morgan's show on CNN, but I was recently channel surfing and I happened to see Ron Paul being interviewed by Morgan.
Morgan put Paul on the hot seat when he asked the former gynecologist about his views on abortion.  Here's part of the exchange copied directly from the official CNN transcript:
MORGAN: Here's the dilemma, and it's one I put to Rick Santorum very recently. I was surprised by his answer, although I sort of understood from his belief point of view that he would come up with this.

But it's a dilemma that I am going to put to you. You have two daughters. You have many granddaughters. If one of them was raped -- and I accept it's a very unlikely thing to happen. But if they were, would you honestly look at them in the eye and say they had to have that child if they were impregnated?
PAUL: No. If it's an honest rape, that individual should go immediately to the emergency room. I would give them a shot of estrogen...
Honest r**e?  What kind of idiocy is this?  Are we to take it that Ron Paul believes that there are two kinds of rape and that a woman can be raped "honestly" or-- presumably--"dishonestly?"
OK.  Here are my two observations about this:
(1) Ron Paul is suffering from senile dementia and should immediately disqualify himself not only from the presidential race but resign his seat in the House of Representatives, since he is mentally unfit to hold that office;
(2) Piers Morgan--or anybody else who next interviews Ron Paul--should demand that Ron Paul precisely and accurately define "honest rape" and "dishonest rape" and explain the difference between them.
The women [and men] of America are waiting for Ron Paul's answer.

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