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Saturday, March 03, 2012

The Real Reason Mitt Moved Millions to the Caymans

According to a recent article in Smart Money, millionaire plutocrat Mitt Romney didn't necessarily move some of his millions to the offshore haven of the Cayman Islands to escape taxes. 
According to Chigago tax lawyer Jim Duggaan, quoted in the article,  "American taxpayers are taxed on their worldwide income -- so if you're making $10,000 (or $10 million) in interest on a bank account in, say, the Caymans or Switzerland, you're getting taxed by Uncle Sam as if you're making it in a bank account here."
So what's the real reason Mitt moved millions to the Caymans?
Duggan says there are two reasons: litigation risk and political risk.
The article states, "Litigation risk is the old reason. You could get hit by a crazy lawsuit here in the U.S. The wealthy are an easy mark, and anything onshore is vulnerable. But the U.S. courts don't have jurisdiction overseas and if you plan things right you have at least some chance of protecting money held offshore.."
And what about political risk?
"The new reason, though, is political risk: "Diversification from our government, policies, and banking systems," says Duggan. The last few years have shaken faith in our system. Duggan says growing numbers of his clients are worried about the financial system, confiscation -- the whole shebang. "They're concerned about our government, and where our society is headed. " Source:
Conclusion: So here's a guy who wants to be president of the United States but who is so concerned about the government of United States and so scared of the courts in the United States that he ships off some of his millions to the Cayman Islands for safekeeping!  What hypocrisy!  What a scandal!  It just boggles the imagination.
And now, do you think anybody should vote for this guy?  He seems to me he's more qualified to run for president of the Cayman Islands.

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