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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Little-known Facts about Jill Kelley née Khawam

Although most of the media coverage of the General Petraeus resignation has focused on the general and his erstwhile paramour Paula Broadwell, less attention has been paid to the "other woman," who launched the whole affair.
Here are some facts about Jill Kelley that most of the mainstream media have chosen to ignore:

1. Jill Kelley and her husband Scott ran a  phony "cancer charity" that went bankrupt after not spending a single penny on cancer research or cancer patients
Based out of the couple's mansion, the Doctor Kelley Cancer Foundation claimed on its tax forms that it "shall be operated exclusively to conduct cancer research and to grant wishes to terminally ill adult cancer patients."

From the records, it appears that the charity fell far short of its mission...[F]inancial records reviewed by  the Huffington Post reveal that the group spent all of its money on parties, entertainment, travel and attorney fees.

By the end of 2007, the charity had gone bankrupt, having conveniently spent exactly the same amount of money, $157,284, as it started with -- not a dollar more.

2. Jill Kelley tried to claim "diplomatic protection"to which she is not entitled.
When she disliked the reporters congrating near her home she called 911. "You know, I don't know if by any chance, because I'm an honorary consul general, so I have inviolability, so they should not be able to cross my property. I don't know if you want to get diplomatic protection involved as well," she told the 911 dispatcher.

Jill Kelley is nothing more than one of ten "honorary consuls" of South Korea in the United States [and not an "honorary consul general" either] and doesn't qualify for any diplomatic protection whatsoever.  Kelley's honorary title--granted last August--has no value, no legal protection, no legal authority of any kind. Furthermore, the South Korean government is considering revoking the honorary consult status  it awarded Jill Kelley.

3. Jill Kelley's maiden name is Khawam and she is from a Maronite Christian family that emigrated to Philadelphia from Lebanon in the mid-1970s.  Acording to the Washington Post,"A military officer who is a former member of Petraeus’s staff said [the Arabic-speaking] Kelley was a “self-appointed” go-between for Central Command officers with Lebanese and other Middle Eastern officials."

Jagor's Comment:

Jill Kelley appears to be an overly-ambitious, status-seeking megalomanic with questionable ethics who wormed her way into the good graces of a lot of powerful military officers and civilians in the Tampa Bay area and then flaunted and capitalized on the access to those VIP's that she had acquired.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Most Dangerous Man in Washington in Danger

President Barack Obama may arguably be the most powerful man in Washington, but the most dangerous man in the Nation's Capital is a publicity-shy lobbyist named Grover Norquist, whose name most Americans ignore.

Norquist is a conservative activist, a lobbyist and the founder and president of Amerians for Tax Reform. 

Why is Grover Norquist the most dangerous man in Washington?  

Because he virtually blackmailed 95% of all Republican Congressmen and all but one of the 2012 Republican presidential candidates to sign his "Taxpayer Protection Pledge."

And what is the "Taxpayer Protection Pledge?"  

It opposes increases in marginal income tax rates for individuals and businesses, as well as net reductions or eliminations of deductions and credits without a matching reduced tax rate.

What's so bad about the "Taxpayer Protection Pledge?"
  • Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) blamed Norquist's influence for the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction's lack of progress, claiming that Congressional Republicans "are being led like puppets by Grover Norquist...He is their leader."
  • Republican ex-Senator Alan Simpson, co-chairman of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, has been particularly critical of Grover Norquist, describing his position as "[n]o taxes, under any situation, even if your country goes to hell."
But why is Grover Norquist now in danger?

It all started when a few extremely courageous Republicans started to reject Grover Norquist's "no taxes" pledge. As reported back in May:

A small but increasingly vocal group of freshmen Republicans are publicly rejecting the idea they are beholden to Grover Norquist's pledge...One such member, Scott Rigell of Virginia, has openly rejected the pledge, explaining on his website that it would prevent Congress...from eliminating corporate loopholes or government subsidies...The math, he said, just doesn't make sense. 

Freshmen Reps. Kevin Yoder [R-KS], Richard Hanna [R-NY] and Rob Woodall [R-GA] never signed the pledge...making up half of the six House Republicans who refused to sign on.

And now, conservative commentator and Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, one of the biggest Republican guns in town, has dared to stand up to the most dangerous man in Washington!

On "Fox News Sunday" he stated that the Republican Party should accept new ideas, including the much-criticized suggestion by Democrats that taxes be allowed to go up on the wealthy.  "It won't kill the country if we raise taxes a little bit on millionaires," he said.

"[Is] the Republican Party is going to fall on its sword to defend a bunch of millionaires, half of whom voted Democratic and half of whom live in Hollywood and are hostile?" he asked.

Jagor's comment

Grover Norquist should read the handwriting on the wall: Republicans, after their humiliating defeat on Election Day, are finally coming to understand  that they no longer need to be blackmailed by Grover Norquist, and that it is no longer unpatriotic to compromise with the Democrats and raise taxes on the super-rich.

Maybe the time has finally come for the most dangerous man in Washington to go back to being a "boring white bread Methodist."


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Democrats Decimate GOP in California!

More bad news for the Republicans. [Boo-hoo, I feel your pain--yeah, sure!  What I do feel is schadenfreude.]

Michael R. Blood reports:

The nation's most populous state – home to 1 in 8 Americans – has entered a period of Democratic political control so far-reaching that the dwindling number of Republicans in the Legislature are in danger of becoming mere spectators at the statehouse.

Democrats hold the governorship and every other statewide office. They gained even more ground in Tuesday's elections, picking up at least three congressional seats while votes continue to be counted in two other tight races – in one upset, Democrat Raul Ruiz, a Harvard-educated physician who mobilized a district's growing swath of Hispanic voters, pushed out longtime Republican Rep. Mary Bono Mack.

The party also secured a supermajority in one, and possibly both, chambers in the Legislature.

"Republican leaders should look at California and shudder," says Steve Schmidt, who managed John McCain's 2008 campaign and anchored former Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's re-election team in 2006. "The two-party system has collapsed."

The number of Hispanics, blacks and Asians combined has outnumbered whites since 1998 in California, and by 2020 the Hispanic population alone is expected to top that of whites. With Latinos, for example, voter surveys show they've overwhelmingly favored Democratic presidential candidates for decades. Similar shifts are taking place across the nation.

Jagor's Comment:

First of all, the 2012 election proved that the plutocrats' hundreds of millions of dollars couldn't buy the White House and the Senate for the Republicans as they had planned.  Additionlly, all the efforts of Republican governors and attorneys general in several states to disinfranchise Democrats [mostly minorities and the poor] through various illegal and/or unethical tactics and strategies failed miserably.

A "rainbow coalition," that was once a minority made up of minorities has now become a majority made up of minorities including young voters of all races and both sexes, especailly young, unmarried females [who do not want reactionary and ignorent men--and the Roman Catholic Church--to colonize their bodies and quash their reproductive rights], African-Americans [who voted 90% for Obama], Hispanics and Latinos [who--except for a few superannuated Cuban exiles nicknamed "gusanos" rotting away in Miami-- voted overwhelmingly for Democrats], and the increasingly powerful and vocal LGBT community [openly-declared lesbian Debbie Baldwin defeated erstwhile Republican dreamboat, former governor and putative presidential hopeful Tommy Thompson, to win a seat in the U.S. Senate from Wisconsin] taken together represented enough votes to swing the election for Obama nationwide and to effect an overwhelming take-over in California.

And speaking of women, five women, all but one of whom are Democrats, won first terms in the Senate this year--in Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Nebraska and North Dakota.  The results mean that when the new Congress convenes in January 20 senators out of 100 will be women.  For the first time in its history, the United States Senate is looking less and less like an exclusive club of old, white, male multi-millionaires.

The handwriting is on the wall: the Republican Party is destined to become as dead as a dodo--unless Republicans rapidly discard their medieval and reactionary ideology--and that means throwng the Tea Party into the trash compactor--and come into the 21st century with the rest of America.  Otherwise, the Republicans will go the way of the Whigs.  Remember the Whigs?


Friday, November 09, 2012

The Real Losers: The Plutocrats

Jagor's brother commented:

"Sheldon Adelson, the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove and all those other scumbags that spent hundreds of millions trying to buy the White House and some Senate and House seats all rolled snake eyes. These crooks might as well have taken their money and put it in a dumpster and burned it." 

And, speaking of Karl Rove, the  Huffington Post  reported that "No one lost as much on election night as Karl Rove.

"Although he wasn't running for office, his Crossroads organizations spent more than $300 million on Republican candidates in the 2012 election, with some of the biggest spenders in the conservative movement putting their hopes -- and dollars -- in the care of Rove.
"The results were bleak. According to the Sunlight Foundation, American Crossroads, Rove's super PAC, saw just a 1 percent return on its investments."

A one-percent return is definitely not the kind of Return-on-Investment that these multi-billionaire plutocrats expect.

Now that their buddies, the Gang of Five Republican justices on the Supreme Court [Roberts, Alito, Scalia, Thomas and Kennedy], otherwise known as "The Impeachables," made it possible for them to spend millions of dollars to buy elections, those plutocrats want guaranteed results, not a measly 1% return!  They wanted Karl Rove to buy the White House for their fellow plutocrat [and tax-evader] Mitt Romney--in no uncertain terms whatseover!

I, for one, would certainly not like to be in Karl Rove's shoes these days--with some of the nation's richest and most powerful plutocrats wanting to take their multi-milliion dollar losses out on Rove's hide! 

Watch your back, Karl!


Thursday, November 08, 2012

Democrats Sweep the Senate, Too!

Election Day wasn't just a landslide victory for Barack Obama, but for Democrats running for the Senate, too.

Here's how Jagor's brother, brother, an astute political observer, analyzed the results of the Senate races:
  1. Tea Party lunatic Richard Mourdock [R-IN] cost the Republicans an almost-guaranteed Senate seat in Indiana to Joe Donnelly
  2. Another Tea Party lunatic, Todd Akin [R-MO], cost the Republicans another slam-dunk pickup in Missouri, losing to Claire McCaskill
  3. Democrats won nearly all of the other closely-contested Senate races including Tim Kaine [VA], Elizabeth Warren [MA], Heidi Heitkemp [ND] and Chris Murphy [CT].  All were seats that the Republicans thought they could win.
  4. Democratic Senator Jon Tester (MT) won reëlection Wednesday morning, surviving a tight race with Rep. Denny Rehberg that stretched into the day after voters went to the polls.
In the House:
  1. Trash-mouth, treasonous Congressman Joe Walsh [R-IL] , who belittled and mocked his opponent Tammy Duckworth, a decorated war hero who lost both legs in combat piloting an Apache helicopter, was defeated.  Duckworth is also the first Asian-American woman elected to Congress from Illinois.
  2. Fascist Congressman Allen West [R-FL], who once said 77-81 Democrats in Congress were members of the Communist Party, was defeated by Patrick Murphy in the wee hours of the morning after leading all the way.
brother concluded:
In short, all those f*****s got blown out of the water,  That should humble the Republicans into cooperating now, but I'm not holding my breath.

To which Jagor would add:
My favorite Congressman, Alan Grayson [D-FL], is back in office after being out for the past two years, in the biggest come-back in the entire history of the House of Representatives!

Aside from Obama's reëlection, this could possibly be the most significant election result in the country, because the Republican political machine detested him and had placed him at the top of their Enemies List: George Will called Grayson "America's worst politician."

When a candidate the GOP hates so much wins a come-back election in a landslide, there really IS hope for America!  

Some people are already talking about Alan Grayson for president in 2016! [He'd be America's first Jewish president, by the way.]

If you don't know about Alan Grayson, find out!

Wikipedia: Alan Grayson 

Alan Grayson: A Congressman with Guts 

The Biggest Comeback in the History of the House 

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Why Mitt Romney Lost the Election

As I write this, President Obama has won re-election and Mitt Romney has been crushed.

President Obama's victory in the Electoral College can only be described as a landslide-- either 330 to 206 or 303 to 235, depending on the results in Florida, where the voting will not be stopped this time by the Gang of Five Republican justices of the Supreme Court, as they did in 2000, in order to throw the election to one of their buddies.

So, in light of all the Monday-morning quarterbacking I saw on CNN, I can offer several reasons why Mitt Romney suffered such a humiliating defeat:

1. Romney was a tax cheat.  He didn't just cheat on his personal income taxes, Bain Capital cheated, too.   

Americans hate tax cheats.

2. Romney was a hypocrite. If Romney had retained and reiterated the centrist and socially progressive potitions and policies he had endorsesd as Governor of Massachusetts [health care for all, women's reproductive rights, etc] , he might have won the election.  But he first flip-flopped to the extreme right by parrotting the fanatical views that are consistently rejected by a majority of the American people, and then he flip-flopped again in the closing days of the campaign to return to the center. But it didn't work because We the People saw that Mitt Romney was a hypocrite.

Americans hate hypocrites.

3. President Obama won an overwhelming percentage of the votes of young, single women of all races and religions.  Why?  Because those young women knew correctly that Mitt Romeny would not only attempt to take away the reproductive rights that women have today, he would be certain to appoint one or even two more fanatical right-wing, anti-woman justices to the Supreme Court, who would not only repeal Roe v. Wade but attempt to curtail women's access to contraception as well.

American women hate men who wage war on their reproductive rights.

4. I was watching the Romney campaign headquarters as his supporters glumly awaited his concession speech--and vented their spleen by booing a hapless Candy Crowley--and happened to notice a gigantic banner furled out above the stage.  It read: Believe in America.  But I would have added a corollary.  I would have amended the banner to read: Believe in America, But Put Your Money in the Cayman Islands.   

Americans hate people who are so unpatriotic they stash millions and millions of dollars in offshore tax havens.
