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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Democrats Decimate GOP in California!

More bad news for the Republicans. [Boo-hoo, I feel your pain--yeah, sure!  What I do feel is schadenfreude.]

Michael R. Blood reports:

The nation's most populous state – home to 1 in 8 Americans – has entered a period of Democratic political control so far-reaching that the dwindling number of Republicans in the Legislature are in danger of becoming mere spectators at the statehouse.

Democrats hold the governorship and every other statewide office. They gained even more ground in Tuesday's elections, picking up at least three congressional seats while votes continue to be counted in two other tight races – in one upset, Democrat Raul Ruiz, a Harvard-educated physician who mobilized a district's growing swath of Hispanic voters, pushed out longtime Republican Rep. Mary Bono Mack.

The party also secured a supermajority in one, and possibly both, chambers in the Legislature.

"Republican leaders should look at California and shudder," says Steve Schmidt, who managed John McCain's 2008 campaign and anchored former Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's re-election team in 2006. "The two-party system has collapsed."

The number of Hispanics, blacks and Asians combined has outnumbered whites since 1998 in California, and by 2020 the Hispanic population alone is expected to top that of whites. With Latinos, for example, voter surveys show they've overwhelmingly favored Democratic presidential candidates for decades. Similar shifts are taking place across the nation.

Jagor's Comment:

First of all, the 2012 election proved that the plutocrats' hundreds of millions of dollars couldn't buy the White House and the Senate for the Republicans as they had planned.  Additionlly, all the efforts of Republican governors and attorneys general in several states to disinfranchise Democrats [mostly minorities and the poor] through various illegal and/or unethical tactics and strategies failed miserably.

A "rainbow coalition," that was once a minority made up of minorities has now become a majority made up of minorities including young voters of all races and both sexes, especailly young, unmarried females [who do not want reactionary and ignorent men--and the Roman Catholic Church--to colonize their bodies and quash their reproductive rights], African-Americans [who voted 90% for Obama], Hispanics and Latinos [who--except for a few superannuated Cuban exiles nicknamed "gusanos" rotting away in Miami-- voted overwhelmingly for Democrats], and the increasingly powerful and vocal LGBT community [openly-declared lesbian Debbie Baldwin defeated erstwhile Republican dreamboat, former governor and putative presidential hopeful Tommy Thompson, to win a seat in the U.S. Senate from Wisconsin] taken together represented enough votes to swing the election for Obama nationwide and to effect an overwhelming take-over in California.

And speaking of women, five women, all but one of whom are Democrats, won first terms in the Senate this year--in Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Nebraska and North Dakota.  The results mean that when the new Congress convenes in January 20 senators out of 100 will be women.  For the first time in its history, the United States Senate is looking less and less like an exclusive club of old, white, male multi-millionaires.

The handwriting is on the wall: the Republican Party is destined to become as dead as a dodo--unless Republicans rapidly discard their medieval and reactionary ideology--and that means throwng the Tea Party into the trash compactor--and come into the 21st century with the rest of America.  Otherwise, the Republicans will go the way of the Whigs.  Remember the Whigs?


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