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Friday, December 21, 2012

Repeal the Second Amendment: Part Three

Let's consider what kind of firearms were---and weren't--available when the Second Amendment was adopted in 1791.

What WAS available:

Rifles: Approximately seven types of breech loading and muzzle loading flintlock muskets and blunderbuses. It takes approximately 15 to 30 seconds to reload a musket.

Pistols: aproximately four types of flintlock pistols. Experts needed 15 seconds to reload these pistols.

What WASN'T available:

The revolver: They weren't invented until 1814 and 1836

The machine gun: They weren't invented until 1861 and 1865.

The assault rifle: It wasn't used until 1968.

  1. Even if a psychopath like Adam Lanza had existed in 1791 he never would have had the time to fire and reload any weapon then available enough times to kill 26 people at a school or other public place..  He might have been able to kill one person at the most, but then he would have been physically overpowered before he could reload his musket or his pistol and kill any more innocent victims.
  2. The Second Amendment, adopted so that citizen-soldiers [militiamen] in the several states could defend the nation against the British, has been obsolete for 200 years because the state mlitias have been replaced by a standing army and the National Guard and is therefore  inapplicable in the 21st century.

Join the growing movement to repeal the Second Amendment!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Repeal the Second Amendment: Part Two

I am not alone in my call to repeal the Second Amendment.  Norm Stamper, a 34-year vetern police officer and former Chief of Police of Seattle wrote in the Huffington Post on December 18, 2012.


...So we wait. We wait for the next slaughter, knowing it will surely come. Nothing has changed, nothing will change. Not unless we resolve to become, in the president's aspirational words, "better than this."

How do we accomplish that? Through repeal of the Second Amendment, and the enactment of a new constitutional amendment. 

The Second Amendment -- elevated to a state of holiness, its problematic comma debated for decades and "resolved," for the moment, by the Supreme Court -- is a relic. It made sense when it was written. It does not make sense now.

What would a new "right to bear arms" amendment look like? If I were writing it, it would contain provisions for:

• Registration of all firearms;
• Licensing of all gun owners, predicated on completion of a background check and a passing score in a reputable gun-safety course;
• Safe and secure storage and transport of all firearms;
• Criminal and civil penalties for owners whose guns have fallen negligently into the hands of violent felons, minors, the mentally ill;
• Ban on all assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, except for those possessed by the military and law enforcement;
• Ban on so-called "armor-piercing" handgun bullets;
• The elimination of the infamous gun-show loophole in the Brady bill.


Let's join Norm Stamper and start saving the lives of Americans--men, women and children!  Write your congressman or congresswoman and your two senators as well as your state representatives and senators--NOW!


Repeal the Second Amendment: Part One

Almost everybody in the U.S. [including the Gang of Five Republicans on the Supreme Court--Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Scalia and Thomas] is misinterpreting the Second Amdenment.
The sole and unique purpose of the Second Amendment (adopted in 1791 when "semiautomatic assault weapons did not exixt) was to assure that a citizen mililtia was armed (with single-shot, muzzle-loading muskets), so that they could defend the country against the British if they tried to invade us (as they did in 1812).   

There was absolutely nothing whatsoever in the Second Amendment about possessing arms for "personal protection" despite distorted views of trhe Gang of Five.

The Second Amendment is now obsolete--and has been for two hundred years because we don't have a militia any more and, the last time I checked, the redcoats were not coming after us.

The Second Amendment should be repealed.  

How can We the People repeal the Second Amendment?  It takes is a vote of 2/3 of the House and the Senate and the approval of 3/4 of the state legislatures. Sounds hard, but there is a precedent: the 18th Amendment prohibiting alcohol was repealed by the 21st Amendment.

All it takes is the political courage to stand up to the bullies in the NRA and the gun lobby.  Do American politicans have that courage?  If not, We the People should throw the cowards in the trashcan and elect men and women who have the guts to repeal the Second Amendment.


Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Best News in the Last 50 Years

From the Guardian:

UN tells Israel to let in nuclear inspectors

The UN general assembly has overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling on Israel to open its nuclear programme for inspection.

The resolution, approved by a vote of 174 to six with six abstentions, calls on Israel to join the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) "without further delay" and open its nuclear facilities to inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Those voting against were Israel, the US, Canada, Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau.

 Note: a total of 190 countries have joined the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

What are the Israelis waiting for?  Why do the Israelis want inspections in Iran but refuse inspections in in their own nuclear facilities?  It has been estimated that Israel possesses from 75 to as many as 400 nuclear weapons, which are reported to include thermonuclear weapons in the megaton range

View a map showing all the known Israeli nuclear sites.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Little-known Facts about Jill Kelley née Khawam

Although most of the media coverage of the General Petraeus resignation has focused on the general and his erstwhile paramour Paula Broadwell, less attention has been paid to the "other woman," who launched the whole affair.
Here are some facts about Jill Kelley that most of the mainstream media have chosen to ignore:

1. Jill Kelley and her husband Scott ran a  phony "cancer charity" that went bankrupt after not spending a single penny on cancer research or cancer patients
Based out of the couple's mansion, the Doctor Kelley Cancer Foundation claimed on its tax forms that it "shall be operated exclusively to conduct cancer research and to grant wishes to terminally ill adult cancer patients."

From the records, it appears that the charity fell far short of its mission...[F]inancial records reviewed by  the Huffington Post reveal that the group spent all of its money on parties, entertainment, travel and attorney fees.

By the end of 2007, the charity had gone bankrupt, having conveniently spent exactly the same amount of money, $157,284, as it started with -- not a dollar more.

2. Jill Kelley tried to claim "diplomatic protection"to which she is not entitled.
When she disliked the reporters congrating near her home she called 911. "You know, I don't know if by any chance, because I'm an honorary consul general, so I have inviolability, so they should not be able to cross my property. I don't know if you want to get diplomatic protection involved as well," she told the 911 dispatcher.

Jill Kelley is nothing more than one of ten "honorary consuls" of South Korea in the United States [and not an "honorary consul general" either] and doesn't qualify for any diplomatic protection whatsoever.  Kelley's honorary title--granted last August--has no value, no legal protection, no legal authority of any kind. Furthermore, the South Korean government is considering revoking the honorary consult status  it awarded Jill Kelley.

3. Jill Kelley's maiden name is Khawam and she is from a Maronite Christian family that emigrated to Philadelphia from Lebanon in the mid-1970s.  Acording to the Washington Post,"A military officer who is a former member of Petraeus’s staff said [the Arabic-speaking] Kelley was a “self-appointed” go-between for Central Command officers with Lebanese and other Middle Eastern officials."

Jagor's Comment:

Jill Kelley appears to be an overly-ambitious, status-seeking megalomanic with questionable ethics who wormed her way into the good graces of a lot of powerful military officers and civilians in the Tampa Bay area and then flaunted and capitalized on the access to those VIP's that she had acquired.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Most Dangerous Man in Washington in Danger

President Barack Obama may arguably be the most powerful man in Washington, but the most dangerous man in the Nation's Capital is a publicity-shy lobbyist named Grover Norquist, whose name most Americans ignore.

Norquist is a conservative activist, a lobbyist and the founder and president of Amerians for Tax Reform. 

Why is Grover Norquist the most dangerous man in Washington?  

Because he virtually blackmailed 95% of all Republican Congressmen and all but one of the 2012 Republican presidential candidates to sign his "Taxpayer Protection Pledge."

And what is the "Taxpayer Protection Pledge?"  

It opposes increases in marginal income tax rates for individuals and businesses, as well as net reductions or eliminations of deductions and credits without a matching reduced tax rate.

What's so bad about the "Taxpayer Protection Pledge?"
  • Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) blamed Norquist's influence for the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction's lack of progress, claiming that Congressional Republicans "are being led like puppets by Grover Norquist...He is their leader."
  • Republican ex-Senator Alan Simpson, co-chairman of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, has been particularly critical of Grover Norquist, describing his position as "[n]o taxes, under any situation, even if your country goes to hell."
But why is Grover Norquist now in danger?

It all started when a few extremely courageous Republicans started to reject Grover Norquist's "no taxes" pledge. As reported back in May:

A small but increasingly vocal group of freshmen Republicans are publicly rejecting the idea they are beholden to Grover Norquist's pledge...One such member, Scott Rigell of Virginia, has openly rejected the pledge, explaining on his website that it would prevent Congress...from eliminating corporate loopholes or government subsidies...The math, he said, just doesn't make sense. 

Freshmen Reps. Kevin Yoder [R-KS], Richard Hanna [R-NY] and Rob Woodall [R-GA] never signed the pledge...making up half of the six House Republicans who refused to sign on.

And now, conservative commentator and Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, one of the biggest Republican guns in town, has dared to stand up to the most dangerous man in Washington!

On "Fox News Sunday" he stated that the Republican Party should accept new ideas, including the much-criticized suggestion by Democrats that taxes be allowed to go up on the wealthy.  "It won't kill the country if we raise taxes a little bit on millionaires," he said.

"[Is] the Republican Party is going to fall on its sword to defend a bunch of millionaires, half of whom voted Democratic and half of whom live in Hollywood and are hostile?" he asked.

Jagor's comment

Grover Norquist should read the handwriting on the wall: Republicans, after their humiliating defeat on Election Day, are finally coming to understand  that they no longer need to be blackmailed by Grover Norquist, and that it is no longer unpatriotic to compromise with the Democrats and raise taxes on the super-rich.

Maybe the time has finally come for the most dangerous man in Washington to go back to being a "boring white bread Methodist."


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Democrats Decimate GOP in California!

More bad news for the Republicans. [Boo-hoo, I feel your pain--yeah, sure!  What I do feel is schadenfreude.]

Michael R. Blood reports:

The nation's most populous state – home to 1 in 8 Americans – has entered a period of Democratic political control so far-reaching that the dwindling number of Republicans in the Legislature are in danger of becoming mere spectators at the statehouse.

Democrats hold the governorship and every other statewide office. They gained even more ground in Tuesday's elections, picking up at least three congressional seats while votes continue to be counted in two other tight races – in one upset, Democrat Raul Ruiz, a Harvard-educated physician who mobilized a district's growing swath of Hispanic voters, pushed out longtime Republican Rep. Mary Bono Mack.

The party also secured a supermajority in one, and possibly both, chambers in the Legislature.

"Republican leaders should look at California and shudder," says Steve Schmidt, who managed John McCain's 2008 campaign and anchored former Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's re-election team in 2006. "The two-party system has collapsed."

The number of Hispanics, blacks and Asians combined has outnumbered whites since 1998 in California, and by 2020 the Hispanic population alone is expected to top that of whites. With Latinos, for example, voter surveys show they've overwhelmingly favored Democratic presidential candidates for decades. Similar shifts are taking place across the nation.

Jagor's Comment:

First of all, the 2012 election proved that the plutocrats' hundreds of millions of dollars couldn't buy the White House and the Senate for the Republicans as they had planned.  Additionlly, all the efforts of Republican governors and attorneys general in several states to disinfranchise Democrats [mostly minorities and the poor] through various illegal and/or unethical tactics and strategies failed miserably.

A "rainbow coalition," that was once a minority made up of minorities has now become a majority made up of minorities including young voters of all races and both sexes, especailly young, unmarried females [who do not want reactionary and ignorent men--and the Roman Catholic Church--to colonize their bodies and quash their reproductive rights], African-Americans [who voted 90% for Obama], Hispanics and Latinos [who--except for a few superannuated Cuban exiles nicknamed "gusanos" rotting away in Miami-- voted overwhelmingly for Democrats], and the increasingly powerful and vocal LGBT community [openly-declared lesbian Debbie Baldwin defeated erstwhile Republican dreamboat, former governor and putative presidential hopeful Tommy Thompson, to win a seat in the U.S. Senate from Wisconsin] taken together represented enough votes to swing the election for Obama nationwide and to effect an overwhelming take-over in California.

And speaking of women, five women, all but one of whom are Democrats, won first terms in the Senate this year--in Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Nebraska and North Dakota.  The results mean that when the new Congress convenes in January 20 senators out of 100 will be women.  For the first time in its history, the United States Senate is looking less and less like an exclusive club of old, white, male multi-millionaires.

The handwriting is on the wall: the Republican Party is destined to become as dead as a dodo--unless Republicans rapidly discard their medieval and reactionary ideology--and that means throwng the Tea Party into the trash compactor--and come into the 21st century with the rest of America.  Otherwise, the Republicans will go the way of the Whigs.  Remember the Whigs?


Friday, November 09, 2012

The Real Losers: The Plutocrats

Jagor's brother commented:

"Sheldon Adelson, the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove and all those other scumbags that spent hundreds of millions trying to buy the White House and some Senate and House seats all rolled snake eyes. These crooks might as well have taken their money and put it in a dumpster and burned it." 

And, speaking of Karl Rove, the  Huffington Post  reported that "No one lost as much on election night as Karl Rove.

"Although he wasn't running for office, his Crossroads organizations spent more than $300 million on Republican candidates in the 2012 election, with some of the biggest spenders in the conservative movement putting their hopes -- and dollars -- in the care of Rove.
"The results were bleak. According to the Sunlight Foundation, American Crossroads, Rove's super PAC, saw just a 1 percent return on its investments."

A one-percent return is definitely not the kind of Return-on-Investment that these multi-billionaire plutocrats expect.

Now that their buddies, the Gang of Five Republican justices on the Supreme Court [Roberts, Alito, Scalia, Thomas and Kennedy], otherwise known as "The Impeachables," made it possible for them to spend millions of dollars to buy elections, those plutocrats want guaranteed results, not a measly 1% return!  They wanted Karl Rove to buy the White House for their fellow plutocrat [and tax-evader] Mitt Romney--in no uncertain terms whatseover!

I, for one, would certainly not like to be in Karl Rove's shoes these days--with some of the nation's richest and most powerful plutocrats wanting to take their multi-milliion dollar losses out on Rove's hide! 

Watch your back, Karl!


Thursday, November 08, 2012

Democrats Sweep the Senate, Too!

Election Day wasn't just a landslide victory for Barack Obama, but for Democrats running for the Senate, too.

Here's how Jagor's brother, brother, an astute political observer, analyzed the results of the Senate races:
  1. Tea Party lunatic Richard Mourdock [R-IN] cost the Republicans an almost-guaranteed Senate seat in Indiana to Joe Donnelly
  2. Another Tea Party lunatic, Todd Akin [R-MO], cost the Republicans another slam-dunk pickup in Missouri, losing to Claire McCaskill
  3. Democrats won nearly all of the other closely-contested Senate races including Tim Kaine [VA], Elizabeth Warren [MA], Heidi Heitkemp [ND] and Chris Murphy [CT].  All were seats that the Republicans thought they could win.
  4. Democratic Senator Jon Tester (MT) won reëlection Wednesday morning, surviving a tight race with Rep. Denny Rehberg that stretched into the day after voters went to the polls.
In the House:
  1. Trash-mouth, treasonous Congressman Joe Walsh [R-IL] , who belittled and mocked his opponent Tammy Duckworth, a decorated war hero who lost both legs in combat piloting an Apache helicopter, was defeated.  Duckworth is also the first Asian-American woman elected to Congress from Illinois.
  2. Fascist Congressman Allen West [R-FL], who once said 77-81 Democrats in Congress were members of the Communist Party, was defeated by Patrick Murphy in the wee hours of the morning after leading all the way.
brother concluded:
In short, all those f*****s got blown out of the water,  That should humble the Republicans into cooperating now, but I'm not holding my breath.

To which Jagor would add:
My favorite Congressman, Alan Grayson [D-FL], is back in office after being out for the past two years, in the biggest come-back in the entire history of the House of Representatives!

Aside from Obama's reëlection, this could possibly be the most significant election result in the country, because the Republican political machine detested him and had placed him at the top of their Enemies List: George Will called Grayson "America's worst politician."

When a candidate the GOP hates so much wins a come-back election in a landslide, there really IS hope for America!  

Some people are already talking about Alan Grayson for president in 2016! [He'd be America's first Jewish president, by the way.]

If you don't know about Alan Grayson, find out!

Wikipedia: Alan Grayson 

Alan Grayson: A Congressman with Guts 

The Biggest Comeback in the History of the House 

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Why Mitt Romney Lost the Election

As I write this, President Obama has won re-election and Mitt Romney has been crushed.

President Obama's victory in the Electoral College can only be described as a landslide-- either 330 to 206 or 303 to 235, depending on the results in Florida, where the voting will not be stopped this time by the Gang of Five Republican justices of the Supreme Court, as they did in 2000, in order to throw the election to one of their buddies.

So, in light of all the Monday-morning quarterbacking I saw on CNN, I can offer several reasons why Mitt Romney suffered such a humiliating defeat:

1. Romney was a tax cheat.  He didn't just cheat on his personal income taxes, Bain Capital cheated, too.   

Americans hate tax cheats.

2. Romney was a hypocrite. If Romney had retained and reiterated the centrist and socially progressive potitions and policies he had endorsesd as Governor of Massachusetts [health care for all, women's reproductive rights, etc] , he might have won the election.  But he first flip-flopped to the extreme right by parrotting the fanatical views that are consistently rejected by a majority of the American people, and then he flip-flopped again in the closing days of the campaign to return to the center. But it didn't work because We the People saw that Mitt Romney was a hypocrite.

Americans hate hypocrites.

3. President Obama won an overwhelming percentage of the votes of young, single women of all races and religions.  Why?  Because those young women knew correctly that Mitt Romeny would not only attempt to take away the reproductive rights that women have today, he would be certain to appoint one or even two more fanatical right-wing, anti-woman justices to the Supreme Court, who would not only repeal Roe v. Wade but attempt to curtail women's access to contraception as well.

American women hate men who wage war on their reproductive rights.

4. I was watching the Romney campaign headquarters as his supporters glumly awaited his concession speech--and vented their spleen by booing a hapless Candy Crowley--and happened to notice a gigantic banner furled out above the stage.  It read: Believe in America.  But I would have added a corollary.  I would have amended the banner to read: Believe in America, But Put Your Money in the Cayman Islands.   

Americans hate people who are so unpatriotic they stash millions and millions of dollars in offshore tax havens.


Friday, October 12, 2012

The Real Reason for the Sanctions on Iran

On  October 10, 2012, U.S. President Barack Obama signed an executive order that carries out new sanctions against Iran that Congress approved this summer, according to a statement by the National Security Council published on on the White House website. 

The stated reason for the increased sanctions is "to deter Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapons program." 

That is patently false.

The real reason for the increasingly onerous economic sanctions directed against Iran has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with its nuclear energy program. 

All sixteen American intelligence agencies [yeah, there really are 16 of them--your tax dollars at work!] as well as Israeli intelligence--are unanimous in attesting and stating publicly that the Iranians are not building nuclear weapons. Source, New York Times:  U.S. Agencies See No Move by Iran to Build a Bomb

The Iranian leaders themselves have respeatedly stated that atomic weapons  are "un-Islamic."  In April 2012,
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a fatwa (religious edict) declaring the production, stockpiling, and use of nuclear weapons are to be haram (prohibited in Islam).  Source: Tehran Times: Ayatollah: production, stockpiling, and use of nuclear weapons are prohibited in Islam

Iinstead, the Iranians have repeatedly called for a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East, which would mean that Israeli [which, unlilke Iran, has refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty]  would have to dispose of or disarm all of the atomic bombs and warheads in their arsenal.

The inarguably real reason for the sanctions is to foment regime change in Tehran.

The Obama Administration has convinced or browbeaten their supine allies into imposing economic sanctions, whose direct impact is to inflict misery and hardship on 74 milion ordinary Iranians.  And then, their Machiavellian plan is that those unhappy Iranians will revolt and overthrow the mullahs and ayatollas.

Well, there's no doubt that the first part of the plan is working.  The Iranian currency is hyperinflating--according to Forbes, it collapsed 40% in value last week alone.  Ordinary Iranian citizens are protesting in the streets that they can't even afford the basic necessities of life such as rice.

But there is no cause-and-effect relationship between the real suffering of the Iranian people and a wished-for revolt against the government.

Instead, it's just possible that the sanctions can backfire and result in a hardening of Iranian resolve to resist the pressure from America by reinforcing Iran's ties with its close neighbors, especailly China and India, whose combined population of two and a half billion people are big customers of Iranian oil.  

In fact, Iran's oil: Iran's oil exports increased +10% in September 2012 on higher sales to China, according to Dow-Jones.

The Iraian people are tough: they fought a war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq [which was supported by the United States] that lasted from 1980 to 1988 and in which Iran lost between 320,000 and 720,000 soldiers and militamen killed and in which more than 100,000 civilians were killed on both sides.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Don't Kill Big Bird--Kill the Flying White Elephant!

What I fail to understand is why there is so much sound and fury emanating from the Republicans--not the least of whom is Mitt Romney--about PBS, which receives only around 15% of its budget from the federal government--a modest $444 million--and most of its funds from private corporations and endowments.

What the American people should be discussing is not why Big Bird should be strangled, but why the taxpayers are going to squander $1.5 trillion dollars on a Flying White Elepant known as the F-35.

What is the F-35?  It's a fifth-generation jet fighter.  Now let's think a little bit--when was the last time the U.S. Air Force actually engaged in an aerial dogfight using our jet fighters in combat against an enemy's jet fighters?  As far as I can see, that was in the Korean War [1950-1953], when our F-86 Sabre jets fought North Korea's MiG-15's over Mig Alley.  That was over half a century ago! And yet, these imbeciles are planning to squander one and a half trillion dollars of precious taxpayer money on what should be called the Flying White Elephant.

Are the American people going to summon the courage to say "Stop!" to this insanity?

Are the American people going to demand that their taxes be used to benefit the citizens of the United States through investments in health care, education, research and infrastructure instead of on the Flying White Elephant that has no purpose whatsoever except to fatten the coffers of the defense contractors and the plutocrats by another $1.5 trillion?

That's one of the the real issues facing America--yet no politician dares mention it.  Why not?

What I say is: Don't Kill Big Bird--Kill the Flying White Elephant!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Is Apple's Next Product the iZune?

With the introduction of Apple's iPhone 5 nothing less than a debacle, this might be the time to entertain the heretical thought of shorting AAPL.
Here's my reasoning:

First of all, Tim Cook is no Steve Jobs--he lacks the humanism, the vision and the poetry Jobs had.

Second, the iPhone 5 could have been made by Microsoft--it was nothing revolutionary, just a facelift.

Third, there's now too much competition in the smartphone market and the competitors' hadnsets are not only better than the iPhone, they are outselling the iPhones.

Fourth, as everybody knows, the iPhone 5 has been a disaster on many counts.  The smaller port is going to force iPhone customers who have iPhone accessories such as docks, charging cords and clock radios into purchasing a lot of outrageously and needlessly expensive adaptors.  The new map feature is so bad that it's  driving people crazy and the forums are full of the worst errors: my pick of the worst of the worst is that the map shows a new airport for Dublin, Ireland, in a place that is actually a farm!  And the revised Siri has troubles, too: it can't distinguish between towns with the same name, confusing New York, TX with New York, NY.  And sales of the new iPhone fell below expectations.

Fifth, Apple continues to manufacture its products in Communist China adding $1.9 billlion to the U.S. trade deficit with that country. The Foxconn factories making the Apple products employ virtual slave workers being paid around $315 per month.  On the other hand, according to Reuters, in November 2011, Apple  announced that it gave six of its top executives bonus of $60 million each in company stock in the form of 150,000 restricted Apple shares that would fully vest in 2016.

And finally, as financial commentator Reggie Middleton pointed out recently on his BoomBustBlog, with all the lawsuits against Samsung [one of which, in Korea, Apple lost], Apple has shifted from innovation into litigation.  Accoridng to Middleton in an interview with Max Keiser, "Apple no longer out-innovates the competition, but out-litigates the competition. And that is a sign of decline."

My own view is that the days of spectacular growth at Apple are over.  We all know how how Microsoft stock stagnated between 25 and 30 for a decade or so; this could happen to Apple, too. No stock--just like no real estate--can go up forever. We learned that in 2008.  AAPL took a hit yesterday and may never see 700 again.

It looks as if Apple may now be entering its "Microsoft" phase of development i. e. making trouble-prone, user-unfriendly products.

What will Apple call its next device, the iZune?


[Full disclosure: I own an iPhone 3GS and have no intention whatsoever of trading it in on an iPhone 5.]

Thursday, September 20, 2012

More than two-thirds in U.S. live paycheck to paycheck

From Reuters, an article dated September 19, 2012.

More than two-thirds of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck, according to a survey released on Wednesday by the American Payroll Association. The survey of 30,600 people found that 68 percent said it would be somewhat difficult or very difficult if their paychecks were delayed for a week. These results show Americans are still struggling with the recession's effects, the association said..

The main reason Kowalik's clients live paycheck to paycheck is that they have come to see luxuries as essential expenses, she said.

"Cable used to be a luxury. Now it's expected," she said. "People have an expectation that they should have a mobile phone, you should be able to have the Internet. People are going to have to change their outlook and put things into perspective."

The American Payroll Association, a trade group for more than 20,000 people who prepare checks, said it conducted the online survey between May and Sept. 7. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 1 percent.  Source 

Jagor's comment: It would appear that financial gadfly and former Wall Strate trader Max Keiser was right when he commented on his television program a couple of days ago that "The United States is a third-world country pretending to be a first-world country."  [e.g. Considering luxuries as neccessities.]

What happened? What is causing America to topple into third-world status?  The main culprit is the bogus doctrine of Reaganomics, whose main consequence was to accelerate the acquisition of wealth by the top 1% and accelerate the pauperization and improverishment of the ever-shrinking middle class.

So now, American society is starting to resemble those of Central Ameridan banana republics like Honduras or Guatemala or African petro-kleptocracies like Equatorial Guinea or Gabon, where most of the country's wealth and political power are concentrated in the hands of a tiny elite, while the overwhelming majority of the people strugle day-to-day in abject poverty.

We're not quite there yet, but when 68% of the American people are struggling to live from paycheck to paycheck, that's a sure sign that we're well on the way.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Third of Americans Now Say They Are in the Lower Classes

The percentage of Americans who say they are in the lower-middle or lower class has risen from a quarter of the adult population to about a third in the past four years, according to a national survey of 2,508 adults by the Pew Research Center.
Not only has the lower class grown, but its demographic profile also has shifted. People younger than 30 are disproportionately swelling the ranks of the self-defined lower classes. The shares of Hispanics and whites who place themselves in the lower class also are growing.

The survey finds that hard times have been particularly hard on the lower class. Eight-in-ten adults (84%) in the lower classes say they had to cut back spending in the past year because money was tight, compared with 62% who say they are middle class and 41% who say they are in the upper classes.
Those in the lower classes also say they are less happy and less healthy, and the stress they report experiencing is more than other adults.

About three-quarters (77%) say it's harder now to get ahead than it was 10 years ago.

Commenting on this study, gadfly Max Keiser put it succinctly on his television program, the Keiser Report, yesterday: "The United States is a third-world country pretending to be a first-world country."

It looks as if the United States has joined the ranks of the Latain American banana republics and the African kleptocracies.  Just ask the nefarious Koch brothers!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Why They Hate Our Guts

Here's a headline and the first paragraph from a September 16, 2012, article on the CBS News web site:

Officials: 8 women killed in NATO airstrike

(AP) KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghan officials said a NATO airstrike killed eight women and girls who were out gathering firewood before dawn Sunday in a remote region on the east of the country.
The coalition said it believes only insurgents were hit.

Does anybody need any more reasons why the Afghans--and the Iraqis and the Yemenis and the Somalis and the Pakistanis--hate our guts?

If Obama would issue an executive order calling for an immediate cession of his assasination drone attacks on innocent Muslim men, women and children--including at least two American citizens who were murdered in Yemen with no due process whatsoever--Muslims might be throwing flowers at our embassies instead of Molotov cocktails.


Here's How Mitt Got out of Paying His Taxes

In a recent "High and Low Finance" column in the "New York Times" entitled "A Tax Tactic That's Open to Question", Floyd Norris explains exactly how Mitt Romney and other plutocrats like him were able to finangle the law and pay such low taxes--unlike you and me.

It's a technique called "carried interest."

Read more to understand why little guys like you and me can't get away with this.

"The principal means [Romney] used to pay low taxes on his hundreds of millions of dollars in income was the technique known as carried interest, which allows managers of private equity funds [not little guys like you and me--Jagor] to treat most of the fees they receive for running the funds as capital gains rather than ordinary income.

"The technique strikes some — including President Obama — as outrageous, but it is legal under current law. Unless and until the Congress changes the law, Mr. Romney has every right to take advantage of the technique."

But there may be trouble in store for Romney and other plutocrats like him who have getting away with fiscal murder and cheating Uncle Sam. Norris concludes:

"Mr. Romney’s former colleagues in private equity may come to regret his candidacy, whether or not he wins. Few in the public understood this particular maneuver before the Bain reports were disclosed. Now many do. If and when Congress decides to reform the tax law, this area is likely to be a prime target."


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Romney Trashes "Politics Stops at the Water's Edge" Doctrine

According to an article in The Hill, Wall Street Journal columnist and former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan on Wednesday said Romney struck the wrong note by calling Obama’s response to the deadly attack on American diplomats in Libya “disgraceful.”

“I don’t think in his statement on what happened in Libya last night and in his remarks today I don’t think he did himself any favor.  At a moment of crisis like this, I think it’s kind of a water’s edge moment,” she said during an interview on WSJ Live.

I remember--and I think Peggy Noonan does too--that not so long ago, when elected officials were patriotic, when they paid their fair share of taxes and when they didn't stash their millions in offshore tax havens, the unwritten but universally-acknowledged rule was:

This policy was first enunciated by Republican Senator Arthur Vandenberg in 1947.

Vandenburg believed--rightly--that American politicians should always present a united front to other countries, despite political disagreements on their own turf. To air these disagreements weakened America’s show of strength.

Clearly, Mitt Romney--with his sleazy attack on the President--has thrown that doctrine into the garbage can.

I think at the same time Mitt Romney threw his chances of winning the election into the garbage can, too.


Saturday, September 01, 2012

Paper Money and Hyperinflation

Paper currency [i.e. fiat money] always fails any country that adopts it--without exception.  It is true now as it has been since the first paper money was issued by the Song Dynasty of China in the 10th cnetury AD:

The Song Dynasty in China was the first to issue paper money, jiaozi, around the 10th century AD. Although the notes were valued at a certain exchange rate for gold, silver, or silk, conversion was never allowed in practice. The notes were initially to be redeemed after three years' service, to be replaced by new notes for a 3% service charge, but, as more of them were printed without notes being retired, inflation became evident. The government made several attempts to support the paper by demanding taxes partly in currency and making other laws, but the damage had been done, and the notes fell out of favor.

The successive Yuan Dynasty was the first dynasty in China to use paper currency as the predominant circulating medium. The founder of the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan, issued paper money known as Chao in his reign. The original notes during the Yuan Dynasty were restricted in area and duration as in the Song Dynasty.

However, in the later course of the dynasty, facing massive shortages of specie to fund their ruling in China, the Yuan Dynasty began printing paper money without restrictions on duration. This eventually caused hyperinflation. By 1455, in an effort to rein in economic expansion and end hyperinflation, the new Ming Dynasty ended the use of paper money.
Source; Fiat Money

Sound familiar?  All you need to do is change a few dates and replace a few names with "Alan Grenspan" and "Ben Shalom Bernancke" and the text would pretty accurately describe the dollar.

Then let's look at America's first attempt at paper money, Continental Currency, issued in 1775:
American colonists issued paper currency for the Continental Congress to finance the Revolutionary War. The notes were backed by the "anticipation" of tax revenues. Without solid backing and easily counterfeited, the notes quickly became devalued, giving rise to the phrase "Not worth a Continenteal."

The French were not far behind, issuing their paper assignats in the 1790's.  The idea was sound: the revolutionary government had confiscated all Church lands and would issue certificates worth no more than the total value of that real estate. Brilliant--paper money that was actually backed with more than promises!  But before long the revolutionaries began to run the printing presses 24/7 and the assignats rapidly hyperinflated into worthlessness.

The whole sorry saga is documented in a fascinating treatise that I had the good luck to read in high school. Its title is Fiat Money Inflation in France by Andrew Dixon White.  Read a summary of it.

The worst example of paper money failing a country in recent times was the Zimbabwean hyperinflation. In June 2008 the rate of price growth was 11.2 million percent per year and the country was issuing banknotes in the denomination of one hundred trillion dollars!

Source: Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe.

So, insofar as the U.S. dollar--or the euro or the Swiss franc or any other fiat money--is concerned, it's not a question of if the death knell will toll, but when it will toll.  And when it tolls, it will toll for thee...and me...


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dinesh d'Souza: A Vicious, Mendacious Fascist

A friend of mine saw the anti-Obama propaganda film "2016: Obama's America" and wrote me the following:  "At the end of the movie...the 800 or so attendees [gave the film] a 10 minute standing ovation."

I looked up Dinesh d'Souza on the Wikipedia and found this: 

At the conclusion of a September, 2010, commentary article in Forbes about President Barack Obama titled "How Obama Thinks", D'Souza wrote: "...[O]ur President is trapped in his father's time machine. Incredibly, the U.S. is being ruled according to the dreams of a Luo tribesman of the 1950s. This philandering, inebriated African socialist, who raged against the world for denying him the realization of hisanticolonial ambitions, is now setting the nation's agenda through the reincarnation of his dreams in his son. The son makes it happen, but he candidly admits he is only living out his father's dream. The invisible father provides the inspiration, and the son dutifully gets the job done. America today is governed by a ghost."

[Not only did progressive publications including Media Matters for America and the Columbia Journalism Review dispute d'Souza's claims regarding Barack Obama, but] "Conservative publications also criticized D'Souza's theory. Daniel Larison of The American Conservative states, "Dinesh D’Souza has authored what may possibly be the most ridiculous piece of Obama analysis yet written. ... All in all, D’Souza’s article reads like a bad conspiracy theory." Andrew Ferguson of The Weekly Standard writes, "D’Souza always sees absence of evidence as evidence of something or other. ... There is, indeed, a name for the beliefs that motivate President Obama, but it’s not anticolonialism; it’s not even socialism. It’s liberalism! Source: Dinesh d'Souza

Here's the response I sent to my friend:

Your newest hero, Dinesh d'Souza, appears to be is a sophist that even conservatives dismiss as a ridiculous conspiracy theorist. My own analysis of de Souza is that he's a vicious, mendacious fascist in the pure tradition of Hitler--and I choose my words carefully. Both Hitler and d'Souza were crackpots, yet they both attracted the cheering masses of adoring True Believers who allowed themselves to be brainwashed by a litany of lies and fantastical conspiracy theories. [Hitler: blame the Jews; d'Souza: blame the "philandering, inebriated Luo tribesman."]

All that was mising from the showing of the film was for the 800 attendes to chant a vigorious Orwellian "Two Minute Hate" to accompany their "standing ovation."

Go back and reread George Orwell [1984] and Eric Hoffer [The True Believer]: Dinesh d'Souza is between the lines of every page.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Drop-outs Who Became President

I can't figure out why the Republicans are in such a tizzy about President Obama's college transcripts, and whether or not they have been released or should be released.
I couldn't give a hoot about Obama's transcripts or anybody else's.

Let's look at a list of the U.S. presidents who did not even graduate from college--let's call them the Presidental Drop-outs:

  • George Washington: The death of his father ended Washington's formal schooling.
  • Andrew Jackson: Received a sporadic education in the local "old-field" school.
  • Martin Van Buren: Received a basic education at a poorly lit schoolhouse in his native village and later studied Latin briefly at the Kinderhook Academy and at Washingotn Seminary  in Claverack., New York. His formal education ended before he reached 14,
  • William Henry Harrison: Attended college but never received a degree.
  • Zachary Taylor: Had a sporadic formal education. His early letters show a weak grasp of spelling and grammar, and his handwriting would later be described as "that of a near illiterate."
  • Millard Fillmore: Attended New Hope Academy for six months in 1819.
  • Abraham Lincoln: Had only about a year of formal schooling of any kind.
  • Andrew Johnson: Became a master tailor and was self-educated--he never saw the inside of a school room.
  • Grover Cleveland: Elementary education came at the Fayetteville Academy and the Clinton Liberal Academy. After his father died in 1853, Cleveland left school and helped to support his family.
  • Harry S Truman:  Truman was the only president who served after 1897 without a college degree.  In 1901, Truman enrolled in Spalding's Commercial College, in Kansas City,, but only lasted a semester. In 1923–25 he took night courses toward a law degree at the Kansas City Law School, but dropped out after losing his government job.

That's is quite an impressive list: ten presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, and  George Washington, were drop-outs yet were elected president of the United States. 

So, who cares for transcripts?

On the other hand, you won't  find any American president who squirreled away in offshore tax havens millions of dollars of money that he had earned in the United States of America in order to escape paying his fair share of taxes on those millions.

Millionaire Mitt Romey is the first and only member of that rogue's gallery!

This has nothing to do with transcripts. The plain truth is that Millionaire Mitt Romney is such an unattractive candidate, so uncharismatic, so bumbling, so out-of-touch with us, the 99% of Americans who aren't plutocrat tax-evaders, that the Republicans, in desperation, can only try to slander and smear President Obama in every way they can think of.

President Obama released his birth certificate and they said it was a forgery.  If he released whatever university transcripts the Republican ghouls want, they'd start screaming for his high-school transcripts.  If he released those, they'd be howling for his grade-school report cards.

All of this nonsense demonstrates nothing other than absolute and utter desperation.


Sunday, July 08, 2012

Mitt Romney for President of the United Plutocrats of America

The more I read about Millionaire Mitt Romney and the more I think about it, the more I realize that he is ideally qualified to be the president not necessarily of the Cayman Islands as I suggested in my previous post--that was sarcasm, of course--but President of the United Plutocrats of America.

The only demographic group that Millionaire Mitt really represents is the plutocrats, the 1%.  As one of 1%, and as a vampire capitalist, he has succeeded magnificently, generating hundreds of millions of dollars of personal wealth while sucking the value out of American companies and exporting thousands of American jobs to low-wage foreign countries.  Millionaire Mitt Romney has realized the vampire capitalists' dream!
Of course, much if not most of that massive wealth has been squirreled away in offshore tax havens to avoid paying his fair share of taxes in his own country, the United States of America, the country where he made his fortune. 

Why anyone who has succeeded in cheating his own coutnry--and his fellow citizens--and still want sto be their president is beyond my understanding.

Now everybody agrees that President Obama has made many mistakes.  He had no previous experience in the executive branch of government like most of our great presidents.  He was thrust unprepared into the job of America's CEO.

That said, President Obama has learned on the job and the country is better for it.
On Election Day, November 6, 2012, the choice for us--for the 99% of the American people--is obvious: we must re-elect President Obama. 

I don't really mind if the 1% votes for one of their own, Millionaire Mitt Romney, so long as the 99% of us are not brainwashed or bamboozled into voting for somebody who is not our friend but, in fact, our enemy.


Friday, July 06, 2012

Mitt Romney for President of the Cayman Islands

In his blog on Vanity Fair, James Wolcott recommended the blockbuster investigative report by Nicholas Shaxon about the untold millions salted away in offshore accounts by Republican presidential candidate Millionaire Mitt Romney.

Excerpts form Shaxon's report:

  • As Newt Gingrich put it during the primary season, “I don’t know of any American president who has had a Swiss bank account.” But Romney has, as well as other interests in such tax havens as Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.

  • Bain Capital is the heart of Romney’s fortune: it was the financial engine that created it. The mantra of his campaign is that he was a businessman who created tens of thousands of jobs, and Bain certainly did bring useful operational skills to many companies it bought. But his critics point to several cases where Bain bought companies, loaded them with debt, and paid itself extravagant fees, thereby bankrupting the companies and destroying tens of thousands of jobs.

  • A full 55 pages in Romney's 2010 return are devoted to reporting his transactions with foreign entities. “What Romney does not get,” says Jack Blum, a veteran Washington lawyer and offshore expert, “is that this stuff is weird.”

  • A $3 million Swiss bank account appeared in the 2010 returns, then winked out of existence in 2011 after the trustee closed it...Ed Kleinbard, a professor of tax law at the University of Southern California, says the Swiss account “has political but not tax-policy resonance,” since it—like many other Romney investments—constituted a bet against the U.S. dollar, an odd thing for a presidential candidate to do. The Obama campaign provided a helpful world map pointing to the tax havens Bermuda, Luxembourg, and the Cayman Islands, where Romney and his family have assets, each with the tagline “Value: not disclosed in tax returns.”

Read Nicholas Shaxon's blockbuster article, Where the Money Lives in the August 2012 issue of Vanity Fair.

Read the Associated Press article published in the Washington Post on July 4, 2012, entitled, Mystery Bermuda-based company and other undisclosed Romney assets hint at larger wealth.

Jagor's comment:

After reading the above articles, I concluded that Millionaire Mitt Romney is running for president of the wrong country; with all the millions of dollars he's got stashed away in the Cayman Islands, he should running for president of the Cayman Islands, not the  United States of America.

Millionaire Mitt Romney could follow the precedent set by a sleazy Texan plutocrat named "Sir" Allen Stanford, who embezzled billions of dollars out of naive, middle-class Americans and virtually bought the island of Antigua, in the Leewards [Antigua is one of the 47 countries around the world that Jagor has visited].  Stanford is currently in prison serving a 110-year sentence for cheating investors out of more than $7 billion over 20 years in one of the largest Ponzi schemes in U.S. history.

The simplistic and pathetic rebuttal of Millionaire Mitt's apologists that "it's legal" to stash away untold millions in foreign offshore tax havens doesn't hold water.

I have often written that something may be legal but it may also be immoral or unethical.  The defenders of Millionaire Mitt's tax avoidance should be reminded reminded that slavery was perfectly legal, although immoral and unethical, until the 13th Amendment in 1865.

Therefore it may currently be legal for Millionaire Mitt Romeny to stash millions and millions of dollars abroad in order to avoid paying his fair share of taxes. [He only paid a tax rate of around15% in 2010 as indicated by his income tax delcaration for that year--the only income tax return he has ever released; that's about half the rate most middle-class Americans are paying to Uncle Sam.]

And it may not be aginst the law for Millionaire Mitt Romney to lack sufficient faith in the American economy that he doesn't want to keep his money in his own country.  But But it sure isn't ethical--or patriotic. And it's not even intelligent for a man who is running for the presidency of the United States.  In fact, it's weird.

By contrast, Republican Richard M. Nixon released  all his financial records when he was running for president against John F. Kennedy in 1960--all his income tax returns, all his assets and liabilities, all of it.

 When the American people figure out that Millionaire Mitt Romney has perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars stashed in tax havens all over the planet, they are going to want to send him a one-way ticket not to the White House but to one of those tax havens.

My recommendation is that he gets a one-way ticket to George Town, the capital of the Cayman Islands.  And I'll be glad to contribute to the cost of his airfare.

I'm sure Millionaire Mitt Romney has anough money to buy all the votes necessary to insure him the presidency of that island territory.


Thursday, July 05, 2012

55 School Drop Out Billionaires and Successful Entrepreneurs

According to this recenlty-published article on,most of the world’s richest men and women were school drop-outs.  We learn that: 
  • Bill Gates: Dropped out of Harvard and held the position of the world richest man for thirteen consecutive years.
  • Walt Disney: Dropped out of high school at 16 and founded a company which now has an annual revenue of about $30billion.
  • Li Ka Shing: Billionaire owner of Hutchinson Whampoa; one of the largest conglomerates in Hong Kong, dropped out of school at the age of 15 and started out by selling watch bands.
  • Lawrence J. Ellison: Dropped out of college twice and was told by his adoptive father that he would never amount to anything, but he went on to become a billionaire by building Oracle, the world’s second largest software company.
  • Henry Ford: was born in abject poverty. He never saw the four walls of school but he went on to build Ford Motor Company 
  •  Madame C. J. Walker: Born into the family of ex-slaves and farmers. Despite being widowed at the age of 20 and faced with extreme hardship, she started a cosmetics business and went on to become the first American self made female millionaire.
And so on and so forth...a total of 55 billionaires and spectacularly successful entrepreneurs who either dropped out or never saw the inside of a school.
Jagor's comment:
This is a great article.  It amply demonstrates that schools don't teach entrepreneurship or innovation; instead, they inculcate conformity and obedience.

When you start thinking about it, compulsory public schooling is a fairly recent idea, only dating from the 19th century in Europe, when the generals, plutocrats and politicans figured out that compulsory public schooling was an efficient way to manufacture millions of docile and obedient wage slaves to populate their farms, mines, factories and sweatshops and provide an abundant supply of cannon fodder for their incessant wars.

Read the full article to learn about the world's 55 most successful drop-outs:   
Drop-out Billionaires 


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Why Chief Justice Roberts voted for Obamacare

A lot of people have been wondering why the right-wing extremist Chief Justice of the United States, John Roberts, could not only have broken ranks with his right-wing clones--Alito, Kennedy, Thomas and Scalia--to vote in favor of the Affordable Care Act in the case of National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, but to have actually written the majority opinion himself, sending waves and shock and dismay among the ranks of the Republican politicians and the mainstream media.

One possible explanation has been offered by some observers: Chief Justice Roberts suffers from epilepsy [his seizures were documented  in 1993 and 2007] and it is almost a certainty that he has been refused medical insurance by the plutocrats' insurance companies because of his "prior condition."  So, in writing his decision in which he concurred with the four progressive justices--Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan--he may not have been thinking of the 30 million uninsured Americans, but, just like most people, he might have been thinking "Me first."


Read political commentator and broadcaster Thom Hartmann's view on the decision:

The absurd Republican reaction to Obamacare being upheld
Thom plus logo
The Supreme Court's health care ruling on Thursday protected hundreds of millions of Americans from being denied health insurance for pre-existing conditions, kept millions of young people insured under their parents healthcare plans, and will eventually lead to coverage of more than 30 million Americans who previously did not have access to health insurance. But if you asked Republicans about the ruling, they'd say it's a sign of the apocalypse.
The reactions from Republicans to Obamacare being upheld are telling. Republican Congressman Mike Pence compared the ruling to 9/11. The former Spokesman for the Michigan Republican Party, Mike Davis, argued that an armed revolution might now be justified. And Conservative radio hosts Michael Savage and Bryan Fischer attacked Chief Justice John Roberts, suggesting this his decision may have been influenced by epilepsy medication - a story that was also picked up on the Drudge Report.
The point is, Obamacare will save the lives of millions of Americans - and if Republicans think that's as bad for the nation as 9/11 or a sign that an armed revolution is necessary, then there's something very rotten in today's Conservative movement. It's clear today's Conservatives have been taken over by a strain of Ayn Rand psychopathy.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Plus ça change...

Newspaper headline: Mubarak's lawyer denies former president is 'clinically dead.'

Jagor's Comment: Well, clinically dead or not, Mubarak's life is over. He waited just long enough to be sure that the military had retained and secured control of Egypt as it has in an unbroken line since the young officers overthrew King Farouk in 1952.

After all the sound and fury, all the hundreds of hours of demonstrations carried live around the world, after all the deaths and bloodshed, after all the elections and all the political punditry and prognosticating, it's all back to the status quo ante: the military is running Egypt.

As the French say "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose." That old cliché has never been truer.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Global push to guarantee health coverage leaves U.S. behind

Here's more evidence--if anyone needed it--that the United States continues its decline into the status of a third-world banana republic, neglecting the needs of its citizens and squandering trillions of dollars on unneeded weapons systems.
This article from the Los Angeles Times explains how China, Mexico and other countries far less affluent are working to provide medical insurance for all citizens. It's viewed as an economic investment--not an expense.


China, after years of underfunding healthcare, is on track to complete a three-year, $124-billion initiative projected to cover more than 90% of the nation's residents.

Mexico, which a decade ago covered less than half its population, just completed an eight-year drive for universal coverage that has dramatically expanded Mexicans' access to life-saving treatments for diseases such as leukemia and breast cancer.

In Thailand, where the gross domestic product per person is a fifth of America's, just 1% of the population lacks health insurance. And in sub-Saharan Africa, Rwanda and Ghana — two of the world's poorest nations — are working to create networks of insurance plans to cover their citizens.

Read the whole article and weep--and then, dry your tears and get organized and start demanding full, universal health care for all American citizens.

Health care for all Americans can easily be paid for by slashing wasteful and unnecessary white elephant "defense" projects such as the F-35 fighter, the most expensive weapon ever. The entire program is now expected to cost taxpayers nearly $1.51 trillion; Each individual plane is now estimated to cost $160 million - more than double the $74.5 million the DoD initially estimated they'd cost.

Just think of how much good $1.5 trillion could do to keep Americans healthy and cure them when they are sick.

Think about it...and act!


Monday, April 30, 2012

How to Fight the Koch Brothers

If you haven't already heard about the nefarious multi-billionaire Koch Brothers--Charles and David--the sons of Fred Koch, the co-founder of the notorious neo-fascist John Birch Society that smeared president Eisenhower as a communist, you can read Julian Brooks's exposé in the April 20, 2012, issue of Rolling Stone, entitled  The Koch Brothers – Exposed!

Excerpt: "[The Koch Brothers] are the plutocrats from central casting – oil-and-gas billionaires ready to buy any congressman, fund any lie, fight any law, bust any union, despoil any landscape, or shirk any (tax) burden to push their free-market religion and pump up their profits. 

"...Over the past 30-some years, they've poured more than 100 million dollars into a sprawling network of foundations, think tanks, front groups, advocacy organizations, lobbyists and GOP lawmakers, all to the glory of their hard-core libertarian agenda. They don't oppose big government so much as government – taxes, environmental protections, safety-net programs, public education: the whole bit."

If you want to lean even more about this evil duo, read Jane Mayer's explosive exposé in the August 30, 2010 issue of the New Yorker, entitled Covert Operations The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama 

If you've finished the articles, your blood must be boiling and you are wondering, how can I fight these guys?  How can I stop the nefarious billionaire Koch Brothers from taking over the United States of America and turning into a fascist state run by monster corporations and billionaire plutocrats?

The answer is easy: cut off the money!  The only language plutocrats like the Koch Brothers understand in money; therefore, the only way to fight the Koch Brothers is to stop giving them your money.  And how can you stop giving the nefarious Koch Brothers your hard-earned cash? By avoiding any of the products and services produced by the Koch Industries conglomerate!

Click on this link to find a  list of brands owned by the Koch Brothers entitled Breaking the Koch Habit. You'll immediately recognize paper proucts such as Dixie Cups, Quilted Northern, Brawny and textiles such as CoolMax, Cordura, Lycra and Stainmaster.  Take the list with you the next time you go shopping and don't buy anything on the list. 

[Now some of you might be wondering if, by refusing to buy Koch Industries products and services you might be hurting ordinary shareholders or mutual-fund shareholders who invested in Koch Industries.  Don't worry!  There aren't any ordinary shareholders in Koch Industries because Koch Industries is privately-owned by the Koch family! In fact, it's the second-largest privately-owned company in America [after Cargill] with 2010 revenue of $102 billion  There are no shares traded on the stock market; so you won't hurt any ordinary investors.]

Let's get started--avoid Koch Industries!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

OMG! It's a shareholder revolt!

In the 1976 film "Network," UBS News Network anchor Howard Beale [Peter Finch] galvanizes the nation when he pursuades his viewers to shout, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" out their windows.
Howard Beale [Peter Finch] delivering his "mad as hell" speech
Well, it seems that in 2012, some of America's shareholders are shouting the same slogan--but this time they're "mad as hell" about the obscene amounts of money being taken away from their dividends and handed over to the CEO's, many of whom are being rewarded for destroying the value of the companies they mismanage!

AP reports on some of the annual meetings that shareholder activists and advisory firms say they are watching most closely this year:

Chesapeake Energy. In 2008, a year when the stock plummeted from about $39 to $16, Chesapeake paid CEO Aubrey McClendon $12 million for his personal collection of antique maps. (A shareholder lawsuit is now forcing him to buy them back.) That same year, Chesapeake paid $3.5 million to sponsor the NBA's Oklahoma City Thunder, of which McClendon owned almost 20 percent.

Thursday, under pressure from shareholders, Chesapeake agreed to end a program that allowed McClendon to take personal stakes in company wells. At the end of 2008, the company gave McClendon $75 million to use toward those purchases.

McClendon's salary was $975,000 in 2011, and he received perks that included $500,000 worth of personal use of private jets.

Nabors Industries. Eugene Isenberg, who was CEO for 24 years until he stepped down under pressure in October, was in line for a $100 million severance payment until the company announced a few months later that he would waive it.

In a statement at the time, Isenberg said he had planned to give the money to charity. He still got a $1.3 million salary and a $15.6 million bonus for the year, a period when the company's stock lost more than a quarter of its value.  Source: When investors get heated, CEOs feel the pressure

And the shareholder revolt is not limited to America; it's spread across the Atlantic. Reuters reports:
More than a quarter of Barclays shareholders look set to vote against the British bank's controversial pay plan for bosses and Credit Suisse is also facing a backlash as investors seek a greater share of profits.
Stormy annual shareholder meetings at both banks got underway on Friday with many attendees complaining executives are getting too big a slice of bank income at their expense.

"[Barclays] is a good example of a company which recently ... has been paying three times as much in bonuses as it was in dividends to its own shareholders and it's a good example of shareholders standing up and saying no, this is not acceptable," UK Business Secretary Vince Cable told ITV News.

"You [CreditSuisse top executives] should be ashamed of yourselves for taking so much money away from us. We are the owners of this bank, and you are our employees. We should be the ones who decide what you earn," said Rudolf Weber, to applause from other shareholders.
Source: Source: Credit Suisse and Barclays investors revolt over pay

Let's hope that the shareholder revolt grows from a storm into a hurricane of shareholder fury and demands for reform: "We're as mad as hell, and we're not going to take this anymore!"

Friday, April 27, 2012

"SEC Pursues Egan Jones; Moody’s, S&P Remain At Large"

If anybody needed any more proof of the complete and utter incompetence of the SEC and its inaction regarding the misconduct of the ratings agencies Standard & Poor's [S&P] and Moody's, just read this entry on Barry Ritholtz's blog, The Big Picture, entitled "SEC Pursues Egan Jones; Moody’s, S&P Remain At Large."


“The Securities and Exchange Commission voted Thursday in favor of bringing an administrative action against Egan-Jones...In what would be an unprecedented move, the SEC could seek to punish the firm by stripping it of its ability to issue officially recognized ratings on securities tied to government debt and asset-backed deals. An SEC spokesman declined to comment.

"At the same time, we have a broad set of systemic errors made by the two much larger competitors, Moody's and Standard & Poor's. These two firms, by design, gave triple AAA ratings to piles of junk paper. They did so because that was what they were paid to do by the underwriters.

"These were not good faith errors. They were instead a reflection of a wholly corrupted industry, designed to mislead investors and legitimize junk paper."

Then Ritholtz quotes Nobel-Prize winning economist Jospeh Stiglitz, "[The ratings agencies] were the party that performed that alchemy that converted the securities from F-rated to A-rated. The banks could not have done what they did without the complicity of the ratings agencies.”  Source.

My comment:

Egan-Jones proudly declares on its home page Mission Statement that it is: "an independent NRSRO* and not paid by corporations issuing bonds."

So here's pint-sized and thorougly honest and impartial Egan-Jones, which--unlike the goliaths S & P and Moody's, who were paid millions by the banksters to rate worthless, toxic instruments as AAA--gets whacked by the thugs at the SEC, while S&P and Moody's, whose criminal conduct is known by one and all, "remain at large."

And S & P and Moody's overtly criminal conduct directly caused the loss of billions of dollars by pension funds, insurance companies, municipalities and other entities not only in America but around the world--and yet nobody has gone after them. 

What is the SEC waiting on, anyway?  After all, the SEC which is mandated by law to protect investors, not to protect the crooks and criminals.  The first sentence of the SEC Mission Statement reads:

The mission of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. 

The SEC's action--punishing the honest agency Egan-Jones while blindly ignoring the intentional criminal conduct of S&P and Moody's--is just more proof of its incompence and its failure to implement the duties and responsibilities required by its own mission statement.

What is needed is to bring S&P and Moody's to justice.  The SEC needs to act now!

Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization

Monday, April 09, 2012

Eleven Ways I Would Change Our Constitution

It's my own strongly-held personal belief that the time has come for us Americans to convene a new constitutional convention to replace the 18th century constitution with one that is better suited to the 21st century, while maintaining the fundamental principles elaborated in 1787 such as strict and absolute separation of church and state.

Below is a list of eleven changes I would make to improve our Constitution.

  1. Add more seats to the House of Representatives to conform to the intention of the Framers of our Constituion, who stipulated that "The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand" persons. Currently it's around 800,000 persons for each Representative. With the current population of the United States estimated at 313 million people, if we followed the intent of the Constitution, the House of Representatives would have over 6,000 members.
  2. Retrocede the current District of Columbia back to Maryland. Originally, Washington, DC, consisted of two parts, the Virginia part and the Maryland part. The Virginia portion of the District of Columbia was retroceded in 1847, and the Maryland portion should also be retroceded.  Currently, citizens of Washngton, DC, pay Federal taxes but can elect no Senators--only a non-voting delegate in the House. That's known as "taxation without representation."
  3. Change Election Day from "the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November" [which isn't in the Constitution] to the Fourth of July or hold all Federal elections on Sunday, as in most other democracies, or make Election Day an official, paid holiday, so that citizens would have plenty of time to vote.  At the same time, abolish all electronic or mail-in ballots except for the military, diplomats and expatriat citizens living abroad, and require each eligible voter to appear in person at the polls just as every senator and representative must appear in person on the floor of the chamber to vote.
  4. The president should be innaugurated as soon as the voting is finished, as in all other democracies, instead of waiting during a two month-long "lame duck" interregnum until January 20 of the year following the election.
  5. Prevent any president from becoming a tyrant, a dictator or a caudillo by replacing the system of one president and one vice-president with a rotating presidency in which each cabinet member would serve a one-year term as president. This is the system used in the other great federal democracy, Switzerland.
  6. To eliminate gerrymandering once and for all, abolish all congressional districts [the Constittuion does not require that states be divided up into congressional districdts], and elect all members of the House of Representatives at large.
  7. Repeal the first sentence of Article One of the 14th Amendment.  The 14th Amendment was enacted specifically and unequivocally to grant citizenship to former slaves and not to grant citizenship to the offspring of illegal immigrants.
  8. Repeal the 17th Amendment and return to the wishes of the Founding Fathers by once again empowering state legislatures to select their state's two senators.
  9. Prohibit any sitting senator or representative from running for the office of president or vice-president.  This would have excluded Senators Obama, Biden, McCain and Clinton as well as Congressmen Paul and Kucinich and opened the playing field for candidates such as governors or big-city mayors, who possess the exective-branch experience required to be Chief Executive of the United States. Twenty of our 44 presidents--including Jefferson, Monroe, and both Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt--were formerly governors. Only three sitting senators have been elected president: Harding, Kennedy and Obama.
  10. Follow the example of John Quincy Adams and require the president and all other elected federal officials to take the oath of office by swearing on the Constitution of the United States of America instead of the Bible, the Qoran or any other religious book.
  11. Enact the 28th Amendment Overturning the Citizens United v. Federal Electoral Commission decision of the Supreme Court.  Some have described this as the worst Supreme Court decision since the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford in 1857 that legalized slavery. Five right-wing activist Republican justices [Roberts, Alito, Scalia, Thomas and Kennedy] overruled the four constitutional justices [Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan] thereby opening the floodgates to a tsunami of corporate political contributions to electoral campaigns under the preposterous theory that "money is speech." Republicans and Democrats agree that those millions of dollars are corruping the electoral process in America.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

African Dictator’s Supercars Seized in Paris

From "The President of Equatorial Guinea has just seen 11 of his supercars confiscated by the French National Police.

"Straight from Paris, France comes a story of 11 supercars that were seized by the French National Police.What is more compelling, however, is that these luxurious automobiles belong (or belonged) to African Dictator Teodoro Obiang Mbasogo.Mbasogo is the 'President' of Equatorial Guinea, a small African country that boasts an astonishingly poor poverty rate of 70 percent."

The haul included a Ferrari Enzo, a pair--a pair!--of Bugatti Veyrons, a Maserati MC12, a Porsche Carrera GT, a Rolls-Royce Drophead Coupe and an Aston-Martin V8 V600 LM.

View pictures of the haul here: here.

As a reminder, do you know where Mbasogo gets the money to buy those cars? Oil!  Equatorial Guinea is the third largest producer of oil in Sub-Saharan Africa, with production estimated at 360,000 barrels a day.

But in the case of Equatorial Guinea, all the royalties go straight into the pocket of the dictator, while the vast majority of the population lives in squalor and abject poverty.

The French will auction the luxury cars: I suggest that the entire proceeds be devoted to building schools, clinics and roads for the impoverished inhabitants of Equatorial Guinea.  And as for Mbasogo, I'd give him a ride to jail--in a decidedly unluxurious Paris police paddy wagon,

Now that we've seen the politics part of this post, let's turn to the investing part to find out who is paying the kleptocrat Mbasogo for his country's oil: ExxonMobil, Hess, Marathon, Devon, and Vanco Energy.

Shareholders of those companies should be angered that the companies they own are shelling out millions to Mbasogo.  And he's not the only kleptocrat pocketing oil money--he's just the most corrupt of the bunch.

Learn more in this February 2012 article from the BBC.  France impounds African autocrats' 'ill-gotten gains' which discusses not only Mbasogo, but two other infamous African kleptocracies, that of Denis Sassou N'Guesso, in Congo-Brazzaville and the clan of Gabon's late leader Omar Bongo and its current leader, his son Ali Bongo.  Estimates of the assets in France of  these three kleptocracies total 160 million euros.

More information about Equatorial Guinea here:  Oil Corruption in Equatorial Guinea.

More data on the kleptocrats on this  French-Language site: Biens mal-acquis

And if you want to know how corrupt Equatorial Guinea was even before oil was discovered, read Tropical Gangsters: One Man's Experience With Development And Decadence In Deepest Africa by Robert Klitgaard, published back in 1991. 


Saturday, April 07, 2012

Happiest People Pay Highest Taxes

Denmark has taken the top spot on the United Nation's first ever World Happiness Report, followed by Finland, Norway and the Netherlands.

The rankings in the report were based on a number called the "life evaluation score," a measurement which takes into account a variety of factors including people's health, family and job security as well as social factors like political freedom and government corruption. Source: World Happiness Report

What do these happy people have in common?  They all pay the world's highest tax rates!
Those happy Danes pay an income tax rate up to as high as 55.4% and a Value Added Tax [VAT] of 25% on all goods and services.

Those happy Finns pay national [6.5% to 30%] and local [16% to 21%] income taxes and VAT rates from 9% to 23%.

Those happy Norwegians pay up to 47% income tax and a 25% VAT on most goods and services.

Those happy Dutch pay up to 52% in income taxes and a 19% VAT.

What about Americans?  We're #11 on the World Happiness List. We pay from 0% to 25% in Federal income tax and, in some states, from 0% to 10.55% income tax.  State and local sales taxes range from 0% to 10.5% depending on the state and locality.   Source:

Now I am not claiming that there is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between paying high taxes and happiness!

But what I am claiming is that paying high taxes does not necessarily make people unhappy!

When discussing taxation, I often use the metaphor of a country club.  If you want to belong to a ritzy country club, the dues are high.  You can't belong to a ritzy country club on the cleap; if the dues are too low, the country club goes bankrupt.

But Americans--especially Republican politicans in thrall to Grover Norquist--seem to want to belong to a ritzy country club called America, but without paying the dues.
But in nations, just as in country clubs, you get what you pay for.


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Censorship in Saudi Arabia and Self-Censorship in America

A friend and former colleague of mine recently mentioned that, a few years ago, he had shocked a class of young Americans in an international education institution by showing them the cover of a Time magazine he had bought in Saudi Arabia where certain pictures and texts had been blacked out by the censor's black magic marker.

This is my reply:
I am sure the naive American students were shocked to see a cover of Time magazine blacked out with magic marker.  But what is infinitely more insidious and dangerous is the type of self-consorship and pro-government propaganda found increasingly by the American media, of which Time is no exception.

One of the best examples you could have given your students is the cover of the November 6, 1972, issue of Time.   The cover depicted a stylized dove of peace and a gigantic headling stretching diagonally across the page reading "The Shape of Peace."   The November 6, 1972 issue of Time came out just before election day, when the country was in the throes of the Vietnam War.  Who was running?  Richard Nixon for re-election and Democrat George McGovern.

Thanks in part to the Time cover, Richard Nixon won the election in a landslide, because voters were bamboozled into believing that he had a "plan for peace" and that a conclusion to the Vietnam War was imminent.  Nixon was re-elected on November 7, 1972, in one of the largest landslides in American history. He defeated McGovern with over 60 percent of the popular vote, losing only in Massachusetts and the District of Colombia..

Of course, Nixon was lying and Time was spreading that lie.  In point of fact, Nixon intensified the Vietnam War after the election.  Hardly a month after he was re-elected, on December 18-29, 1972, he lauched Operation Linebacker II, a massive bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong..  The offensive destroyed much of the remaining economic and industrial capacity of North Vietnam.  Millions of American voters realized that they had been hoodwinked by Nixon--and by the Time cover--but it was too late.

Shortly afterwards, however, the Watergate Scandal erupted.  Nixon resigned in disgrace on August 9, 1974.   

The Vietnam War did not end until April 30, 1975.
