The more I read about Millionaire Mitt Romney and the more I think
about it, the more I realize that he is ideally qualified to be the
president not necessarily of the Cayman Islands as I suggested in my previous post--that was sarcasm, of
course--but President of the United Plutocrats of America.
The only demographic group that Millionaire Mitt really represents is
the plutocrats, the 1%. As one of 1%, and as a vampire capitalist, he
has succeeded magnificently, generating hundreds of millions of dollars
of personal wealth while sucking the value out of American companies and
exporting thousands of American jobs to low-wage foreign countries.
Millionaire Mitt Romney has realized the vampire capitalists' dream!
Of course, much if not most of that massive wealth has been
squirreled away in offshore tax havens to avoid paying his fair share of
taxes in his own country, the United States of America, the country
where he made his fortune.
Why anyone who has succeeded in cheating his own coutnry--and his fellow citizens--and still want sto be their president is beyond my understanding.
Now everybody agrees that President Obama has made many mistakes. He
had no previous experience in the executive branch of government like
most of our great presidents. He was thrust unprepared into the job of
America's CEO.
That said, President Obama has learned on the job and the country is better for it.
On Election Day, November 6, 2012, the choice for us--for the 99% of
the American people--is obvious: we must re-elect President Obama.
I don't really mind if the 1% votes for one of their own, Millionaire
Mitt Romney, so long as the 99% of us are not brainwashed or bamboozled
into voting for somebody who is not our friend but, in fact, our enemy.
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