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Thursday, November 08, 2012

Democrats Sweep the Senate, Too!

Election Day wasn't just a landslide victory for Barack Obama, but for Democrats running for the Senate, too.

Here's how Jagor's brother, brother, an astute political observer, analyzed the results of the Senate races:
  1. Tea Party lunatic Richard Mourdock [R-IN] cost the Republicans an almost-guaranteed Senate seat in Indiana to Joe Donnelly
  2. Another Tea Party lunatic, Todd Akin [R-MO], cost the Republicans another slam-dunk pickup in Missouri, losing to Claire McCaskill
  3. Democrats won nearly all of the other closely-contested Senate races including Tim Kaine [VA], Elizabeth Warren [MA], Heidi Heitkemp [ND] and Chris Murphy [CT].  All were seats that the Republicans thought they could win.
  4. Democratic Senator Jon Tester (MT) won reëlection Wednesday morning, surviving a tight race with Rep. Denny Rehberg that stretched into the day after voters went to the polls.
In the House:
  1. Trash-mouth, treasonous Congressman Joe Walsh [R-IL] , who belittled and mocked his opponent Tammy Duckworth, a decorated war hero who lost both legs in combat piloting an Apache helicopter, was defeated.  Duckworth is also the first Asian-American woman elected to Congress from Illinois.
  2. Fascist Congressman Allen West [R-FL], who once said 77-81 Democrats in Congress were members of the Communist Party, was defeated by Patrick Murphy in the wee hours of the morning after leading all the way.
brother concluded:
In short, all those f*****s got blown out of the water,  That should humble the Republicans into cooperating now, but I'm not holding my breath.

To which Jagor would add:
My favorite Congressman, Alan Grayson [D-FL], is back in office after being out for the past two years, in the biggest come-back in the entire history of the House of Representatives!

Aside from Obama's reëlection, this could possibly be the most significant election result in the country, because the Republican political machine detested him and had placed him at the top of their Enemies List: George Will called Grayson "America's worst politician."

When a candidate the GOP hates so much wins a come-back election in a landslide, there really IS hope for America!  

Some people are already talking about Alan Grayson for president in 2016! [He'd be America's first Jewish president, by the way.]

If you don't know about Alan Grayson, find out!

Wikipedia: Alan Grayson 

Alan Grayson: A Congressman with Guts 

The Biggest Comeback in the History of the House 

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