Obama's gang of Keystone Kops have shot themselves in
the foot once again. This time, Attorney General Eric Holder has accused
five Chinese military officers of hacking into American companies to steal
trade secrets and plastered their faces on an FBI "Wanted" poster.
Business Insider cites a Reuters article, China Warns Of Retaliation After US Hacking Charges datelined Beijing quoting unnamed State Internet Information Office
spokesman that, "China has warned the United States that it would
retaliate if Washington presses on with charges against five Chinese military
officers accused of hacking into American companies to steal trade secrets."
The spokesman continued with a counter-accusation
that, "The United States "attacks, infiltrates and taps Chinese
networks belonging to governments, institutions, enterprises, universities and
major communication backbone networks."
The Chinese spokesman's statment is confirmed by Glenn
Grenwald in his recently-published book, No Place to Hide, in which he
states, "For years the US government loudly warned the world that Chinese
routers and other Internet devices pose a ‘threat’ because they are built with
backdoor surveillance functionality that gives the Chinese government the
ability to spy on anyone using them. Yet what the NSA's documents show is that
Americans have been engaged in precisely the activity that the United States
accused the Chinese of doing." (Page 147, UK Edition)
So, first, the Obama Administration mindlessly rekindled the
Cold War with Russia. Why? Because they realized that they had squandered the $5.1 billion they had spent since 1992 "supporting democracy-building programs" in the Ukraine when 96.7% of the 83.1% of the eligible voters among the inhabitants of Crimea decided to reunite with Russia in a referendum that was peaceful--not a shot was fired--democratic
and entirely transparent.
And now, Obama's gang that can't shoot straight is
picking a fight with and infuriating America's number one creditor, China
which, according to Treasury Department data, held $1.27 trillion in U.S.
Treasury bonds as of February 2014.
Jagor's comment:
If Obama and his infantile henchmen think that they can prevent the Russia-China rapprochement with a few ridiculous "sanctions" and "Wanted" posters, they are living in a fool's paradise.
Real diplomacy is not conducted by reckless and
bellicose actions more appropriate for comic strips or Hollywood westerns. Real diplomacy is not conducted by overgrown children playing Cops and Robbers or Cowboys and Indians. Real diplomacy is conducted by adults, acting as adults, not adults acting like petulant children.
Do numbskulls like Eric Holder and Barack Obama and a fifth column of neocon holdovers from the George W. Bush Administration infesting the State Department, including the notorious provocateur Victoria "Fuck the E[uropean] U[nion]." Nuland, actually sit up nights thinking up more ways to
damage the United States of America? Could their actions be
potentially impeachable?
And how did China retaliate against America's infantile diplomacy? Why, for starters, by signing a $400 billion
contract May 21, 2014, to import natural gas from Russia for the next 30 years
in what is described as "the gas deal of the century."
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter has already been discussed in two previous posts on this blog, the first, The F-35: A Flying White Elephant, on March 8, 2013, and the second, Flying White Elephant Succeeds in Knocking out a Tank , on October 31, 2013. As I wrote previously, "The
entire program is now expected to cost taxpayers nearly $1.51 trillion; Each
individual plane is now estimated to cost $160 million - more than
double the $74.5 million the DoD initially estimated they'd cost."
Here's the lastest chapter in the ongoing saga of the worst military boondoggle in the history of the Untied States of America, as published by Business Insider in an article entitled, Senior Air Force Officer: The F-35 Is An Epic Waste, a reprint of Britain 'should consider scrapping F-35 stealth fighter' by Defence Correspondent Ben Farmer that originally appeared in The Telegraph of London.
"The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter being built for British and US forces
is based on outdated ideas of air warfare, it is claimed. The aircraft
could be unable to evade enemy radar and be too expensive for long
campaigns. The critique in the US Air Force’s own journal concludes that the new
fighter may even have “substantially less performance” than some
existing aircraft."
“Specifically, its performance has not met initial requirements, its
payload is low, its range is short, and espionage efforts by the
People’s Republic of China may have compromised the aircraft long in
advance of its introduction.”
"Advances in Russian and Chinese radar defences mean it is not clear
that the stealth technology will still work, the analysis warns, adding:
“The F-35 might well be the first modern fighter to have substantially
less performance than its predecessors.”
Farmer cites a 24-page analysis entitled The Comanche and the Albatross...About out neck was hung by Col. Michael W. Pietrucha, USAF, published in the May-June 2014 issue of Air and Space Power Jounal. Col. Pietrucha concludes:
"The F-35 program has long since passed the point where we can expect it to provide a substantial improvement in a broad war-fighting context over its predecessors. Designed for a European conflict that did not occur and a threat environment less advanced than the present one, the F-35 program offers little improvement over its predecessors and demands vast resources from diminishing funds."
Do you care that hundreds of millions of dollars of your money--our taxpayer money--are being squandered by an out-of-control coterie of Pentagon generals and their cronies in the aerospace industry?
Do you care that those multi-trillion dollar boondoggles are rubber-stamped by a supine and complicit Congress, whose venal and obsequious senators and representatives are bought and paid for like cheap hookers by those same aerospace companies and are pocketing tens of thousands of dollars in barely-legalized bribes?
If so, then Col. Pietrucha's study is well worth reading.
In the past few weeks, a pair of ignorant politicians named Barack Obama and John Kerry, egged on by a coterie of neo-con hangers-on from George W. Bush Administration such as the infamous agent provacateur Victoria "Fuck the E.U." Nuland, have reignited the Cold War, simply because the 96.77% of the voters of Crimea decided in an internationally-supervised, and totally transparent referendum to reunite with Russia. [See Jagoriade post dated March 29, 2014, The Truth about Crimea, the Ukraine and Russia].
Who can believe that only a few years ago United States and Russia were actively collaborating on a supersonic test aircraft, the TU-144 LL?
Here's a view of the TU -144 LL: note the American and Russian flags emblazoned on the vertical stabilizer.
The project was a joint venture between NASA and Tupelov, as can be seen in the official insignia below.
The aircraft was basically a TU–144 [the "Russian Concorde"] equipped with four gargantuan engines from the supersonic, swing-wing TU–160 Blackjack, the largest largest supersonic aircraft ever constructed. The passenger compartment was converted into a flying laboratory and filled with scientific test equipment.
View this four-minute video clip of the TU-144 LL [French narration], a concrete example of peaceful and mutually-beneficial American-Russian cooperation.
How long will it be before Russia and America work together peacefully again?