From Reuters, October 31, 2013:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 fighter jet dropped
a 500-pound bomb this week, hitting a tank at Edwards Air Force Base in
California and marking the first time the new warplane has fired a
laser-guided weapon, the Pentagon said Wednesday.
F-35 costs between $153 million and $199 million, depending on the
model--that's between one hundred fifty three and one hundred
ninety-nine million dollars. That's for ONE of them. And it managed
to drop a 500-lb
bomb to knock out a tank. And they've already rolled out 63 of them. (You do the math.) And the whole fleet has been grounded twice so far in 2013. And it only has one
engine, as opposed to a twin-engine configuration, which provides a
backup in case of an engine failure.
And...well...Lots more here.
And...well...Lots more here.
Here, friends, are your taxpayer dollars [and the $1.8 trillion the U.S. Government has borrowed from the Chinese] at work, hundreds of billions of dollars being squandered on the most expensive white elephant in the entire history of humanity.
Just in case you ever wondered why the Republicans are trying so desperately to slash food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid and aid to education and do defund health care for all Americans, now you know where the money is really going.
Ain't America great?
For more about the Flying White Elephant see the Jagoriade post from March 8, 2013.