You can see how the Republicans smear artists are making the same mistake with President Obama they made with Bill Clinton. In Clinton's case, a handful of renegades and reprobates, spearheaded by Texas Congressman Tom De Lay, brought the United States government to a standstill as they impeached and attempted to convict the president because of a semen spot on a dress. [Just in case you were wondering, on November 24, 2010, Tom DeLay was found guilty of conspiracy to commit money laundering and making an illegal contribution; he was sentenced to three years in prison and 10 years probation on January 10, 2011.]
This Gallup poll, reproduced above, shows that the more the Republicans attacked Clinton, the more popular he became with the American people! The Republicans' smears totally backfired! In fact, if the Constitution had allowed Clinton to run for a third term, he would have been reelected in a landslide. And, even if he could run in 2016, he'd still most likely be elected.
It's the same thing now with Obama. You've got a handful of GOP reprobates and renegades smearing the president on a daily basis. Some of them, like the hysterical Minnesota Republican Michelle Bachmann, following in the footsteps of Tom De Lay, are starting to demand the president's impeachment.
But, just as with Clinton, the Republicans' smears have had absolutely no effect on President Obama's approval rating.
The Republicans have learned nothing; that's why they're continuing to self-destruct. Even when billionaires like the nefarious Koch Brothers, masterminded by Karl Rove, squandered hundreds of millions of dollars trying to defeat Obama, he still won by a landslide in the Electoral College by a vote of 332 to 206.
The plain truth is that the American people are far more interested in Jodi Arias than they are in Benghazi [Where the heck's Benghazi?], the IRS [Everybody hates the IRS; what else is new?] or the AP. [What's the AP?]