From Bill Bonner's blog, Diary of a Rogue Economist:
the Romans built a bridge, the architect would have to stand under it
when the scaffolding was removed. If he did his work badly, the bridge
fell down and he was killed.
like to see some feet poking out of the rubble of the Iraq War. Is
that too much to ask? Rumsfeld. Bush. Cheney. And all the jackasses in
Congress who went along with it. Of course. But how about these war
criminals too:
Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas
Feith, Scooter Libby, John Bolton, Eliot Abrams, Robert Kagan, Michael
Ledeen, William Kristol, Frank Gaffney Jr. They said our troops would
be "greeted like liberators." They claimed the war would "pay for
itself" with Iraqi oil.
let's not forget Thomas L. Friedman. He said an invasion of Iraq would
be one of the great "revolutionizing" events of history... and that
American GIs weren't really fighting men, but were "nurturing" a great
new democracy.
there is some corner of Hell, dark and hot, reserved for these
intellectual miscreants. The sooner they get there the safer we will
all be.
Jagor's comment:
If they can have an International Criminal Court in The Hague for a handful of hapless African thugs and a couple of sorry Slavs, why can't they set up a court to try some real criminals--Bush, Cheney and their Dirty Dozen--for war crimes and crimes against humanity?
Inquiring minds want to know.