What WAS available:
Rifles: Approximately seven types of breech loading and muzzle loading flintlock muskets and blunderbuses. It takes approximately 15 to 30 seconds to reload a musket.
Pistols: aproximately four types of flintlock pistols. Experts needed 15 seconds to reload these pistols.
What WASN'T available:
The revolver: They weren't invented until 1814 and 1836
The machine gun: They weren't invented until 1861 and 1865.
The assault rifle: It wasn't used until 1968.
- Even if a psychopath like Adam Lanza had existed in 1791 he never would have had the time to fire and reload any weapon then available enough times to kill 26 people at a school or other public place.. He might have been able to kill one person at the most, but then he would have been physically overpowered before he could reload his musket or his pistol and kill any more innocent victims.
- The Second Amendment, adopted so that citizen-soldiers [militiamen] in the several states could defend the nation against the British, has been obsolete for 200 years because the state mlitias have been replaced by a standing army and the National Guard and is therefore inapplicable in the 21st century.
Join the growing movement to repeal the Second Amendment!